cairo scientific

Advanced Analytical solutions

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Handheld XRF


Handheld XRF Spectrometer The S1 TITAN is among the lightest (1.5 kg, including battery) tube-based handheld XRF analyzers on the market today. Fast analysis speed and exceptional accuracy are two key attributes that help define the S1 TITAN. Other innovative features include an integrated touch-screen color display, 50 kV X-ray tube, SMART GradeTM timing, SharpBeamTM optimized X-ray geometry, Silicon Drift Detector (SDD), and an extremely tough housing that is sealed against humid and dusty environments


Tracer series pXRF spectrometer The Tracer series combines the power and flexibility you would expect from a bench-top instrument with the convenience of a handheld – thanks to some pioneering, user-oriented innovations. These include the same vacuum technology that we originally developed in partnership with NASA for the space shuttle program.

Handheld XRF Software

Tracer series pXRF spectrometer Tracer data analysis software can take the raw XRF photon spectrum of a complex unknown material and de-convolute it by interjecting human pattern recognition knowledge to influence the outcome.