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اسم المنتج

هنالك العديد من الأنواع المتوفرة لنصوص لوريم إيبسوم، ولكن الغالبية تم تعديلها بشكل ما عبر إدخال بعض النوادر أو الكلمات العشوائية إلى النص. إن كنت تريد أن تستخدم نص لوريم إيبسوم ما، عليك أن تتحقق

اسم المنتج

هنالك العديد من الأنواع المتوفرة لنصوص لوريم إيبسوم، ولكن الغالبية تم تعديلها بشكل ما عبر إدخال بعض النوادر أو الكلمات العشوائية إلى النص. إن كنت تريد أن تستخدم نص لوريم إيبسوم ما، عليك أن تتحقق

Simultaneous Thermogravimetry

Differential Scanning Calorimetry STA (TG-DSC) STA denotes the concurrent application of two or more measuring methods to the same sample. The classic simultaneous method is the combination of thermogravimetry with DSC or DTA. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/simultaneous-thermogravimetry-differential-scanning-calorimetry/

Dilatometry (DIL)

Dilatometry (DIL) is the method of choice for highly precise measurement of dimension changes to solids, melts, powders and pastes at a programmed temperature change and with negligible sample strain (e.g. ASTM E831, ASTM D696). Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/dilatometer/

Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)

For highly precise measurement of dimension changes to solids, melts, powders and pastes at a programmed temperature change and with negligible sample strain, Thermo-Mechanical Analysis (TMA) is the method of choice. The measurement of the dimensional changes can additionally be carried out with adjustable sample strain. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/thermomechanical-analysis/

Dynamic-Mechanical Analysis / Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMA / DMTA)

Dynamic-Mechanical Analysis (DMA) / Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) measures visco-elastic properties by applying an oscillating force to the sample. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/dynamic-mechanical-thermal-analysis/

Multiple Mode Calorimetry (MMC)

Like a DSC, the Multi Modul Calorimeter (MMC) measures chemical reactions, phase changes, and specific heat but on gram-size samples. The NETZSCH development team has created a totally new calorimeter system which can be used in commercial R&D, universities and research centers and QC/QA of various industries. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/multiple-mode-calorimetry/

Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC)

Accelerating Rate Calorimeters that help industry operate safely and profitably. As highly versatile, miniature chemical reactors, they measure thermal and pressure properties of exothermic chemical reactions. The resulting information helps engineers and scientists identify potential hazards and address key elements of process safety design including emergency relief systems, effluent handling, process optimization, and thermal stability. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/accelerating-rate-calorimetry/

Dielectric Analysis (DEA)

Dielectric Analysis (DEA) measures changes in dipole orientation and ion mobility in polymers and cross-linked systems by stimulation with an alternating voltage via sensor electrodes. The DEA method can also be used for online-processes (e.g. cure monitoring) with a suitable sensor technique. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/dielectric-analysis/

Thermal Diffusivity / Thermal Conductivity (LFA / GHP / HFM / TCT)

The Laser Flash Method (LFA) is a well-established technique for the determination of thermal diffusivity, in which the increase in the sample’s temperature resulting from the absorption from a laser flash is measured. With HFM (Heat Flow Meter), GHP and TCT (Thermal Conductivity Tester), the thermal conductivity of insulating materials and refractories can be determined. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/thermal-diffusivity-conductivity/

Refractory Testing (RUL/CIC, HMOR, PCE, TCT)

Refractoriness under load (RUL) and creep in compression (CIC) describe the deformation resistance of a sample body under loading as a function of temperature and time. The bending strength (HMOR - Hot Modulus of Rupture) is determined with a hot bending strength tester. The melting behavior is described by the pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE). Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/refractory-testing/

Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) - QMS, FT-IR, GC-MS, SKIMMER

Mass- and Infrared spectrometry (methods for EGA: Evolved Gas Analysis) serve to detect and identify volatile emissions from a sample during a temperature treatment. We offer perfect solutions for coupling of QMS, GC-MS and FT-IR with our thermal analyzers. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/evolved-gas-analysis/

Seebeck Coefficient and Electrical Conductivity

Precise knowledge of the thermal properties is of importance in developing beneficial thermoelectric materials. The relative performance or efficiency of a thermoelectric material is described by the figure of merit (ZT). NETZSCH has the solution which allows for the simultaneous measurement of the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity under identical conditions. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/seebeck-coefficient-electrical-conductivity/


The Proteus® software package integrates all functionalities for carrying out measurements on any NETZSCH instrument with comprehensive routines for the evaluation of measuring data and import of external data. Additionally, we deliver unique Advanced Software solutions, such as Thermokinetics. Link information (headline and picture): https://www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com/en/products-solutions/software/